Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Warm Fire
How I love to sit by the fire
And read a book,
Or sit and inquire.
How I love to sip hot herb tea,
To feel it’s warm decency.
These little things are essential to
Help you feel more like you.
If these things that we enjoy,
Disappeared or would deploy,
Our life worth living would cease to exist,
It would be boring and dull,
Motivation would become as mist.
So we should enjoy these little things
Like taking a walk,
or sewing a seam.
This makes life worth living.
Were meant to dream!
Lets put our sorrow behind,
Forgive our siblings,
Or tame our pride,
And live life to the fullest
For that is what’s best,
Because who wants a life
With no happiness. 
